Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination Reagents

PurMa™ Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

PurMa™ Mycospray Mycoplasma Removal Spray

PurMa™ Mycoplasma Growing Media

PurMa™ Mycoplasma Treatment Kit MTR-I, MTR-II, MTR-III

Cell culture Mycoplasma

You can win the battle with mycoplasma with our Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination Reagents

Cell culture mycoplasma growth

To fully identify the mycoplasma species, you need too grow them with our Proprietary PurMa™ Mycoagar

Mycoplasma Contamination

Contamination with mycoplasma does not cause turbidity or obvious changes in cell culture media and, therefore is under-looked in many laboratories.

Our sophisticated PurMa™ Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit not only detects the mycoplasma in your cell culture system but also determines the exact mycoplasma strain that is the cause of contamination.

The Significance of Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination Reagents

Mycoplasma contamination can happen in various ways